The shells were rather unceremoniously thrown into the box, which seemed to be haphazardly taped shut around it's overflowing cargo. Upon further inspection, they were quite dirty, as if they'd been stored in some forgotten closet for some few years. Some of the shells were missing their spent primers, some of which I managed to find in the box. After seeing that a couple seemed to have mangled, half formed crimps, I decided that someone must have tried to reload them, but had little luck, so he gave up and offloaded them

As you can see, I rearranged them for easier storage, and I intend to clean them up for future use. I may not have a shotgun, but ideally, when I have a shotgun, and a reloading setup, there will be one less supply I'll need to build.
That's all for now, so until next time, kill some time and spill some brass!
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