Wednesday, March 6, 2013

On Debating With a Stalwart Anti-Gunner

Sorry for the rather large hiatus, but sadly, I've had a spell of writer's block, and a lack of untouched material to go off of. However, today, I had my first... conversation....? Debate...? I dunno, it was pretty one sided, since he didn't seem to want to let me have a word in edgewise. It was rather nice though, even if just for the fact that I met another pro-gunner in the process. Being in Oregon, most of the people I see on a daily basis are typically undecided or ignorant to the subject of guns. I understand there's an ample pro-gun population, as well as a more or less pro-gun representative, but as is now, I don't know much of the pro-gun community here. I was in law class, and was waiting for the topic to come up, so I could hear what my teacher and classmates had to say, so when we were on the topic of constitutional rights, one of my classmates brought up the similarity between the proposed AWB, and the disarmament of Germany during Hitler's regime. Upon hearing this, my teacher immediately wrote off my classmate's statement, simply for the fact that Germany was a monarchy, while the U.S.A. is a democratic republic. He either didn't realize, or chose not to realize that the point my classmate was trying to make was not that the U.S.A. is a monarchy, but that the act of banning firearms in any form is tyrannical. After class, I followed up with my teacher on the topic in hopes that I could understand better his opinion on the subject. He said immediately that he was in favor of an AWB. When I clarified that "assault weapons" were already heavily restricted, and that what people are calling "assault weapons" now, are simply big black scary guns that in essence don't work any differently than a semi-auto pistol or a semi-auto shotgun. When given this information, he simply said that we should ban those too, and made a vague reference to something that he may have heard about what may have been Glocks being banned from civilians buying new. Long story short, my classmate and I gave him all the statistics supporting our arguments and showed him the logical fallacies behind most of the anti-gun arguments, but he was more or less stalwart. It felt like speaking to a slightly less bigoted version of Piers Morgan.

That's all for now. Though ammo may be short, and depending on where you are, magazines may be small, go kill some time and spill some brass!